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Academic/Teaching Experiences

Courses taught at ITER, SOA:

  1. Programming in Python: Theory and Lab classes of three sections of CSE branch during 2023-2024. 

  2. Introductory Graph Theory: Theory classes and problem-solving sessions of two sections of CSIT branch during 2023-2024. 

  3. Advanced Discrete Mathematics: Theory classes and problem-solving sessions of three sections of CSE and CSIT branches during 2022-2023.

Teaching Assistant (TA) duties performed during Ph.D. tenure:

  1. Digital Electronics and Computer Organization: Practical classes during Monsoon Semester 2018-19.

  2. Design and Analysis of Algorithms: Practical classes during Winter Semester 2018-19.

  3. Vector Calculus: Theory and Tutorial classes during Winter Semester 2018-19.

  4. Complex Analysis: Theory and Tutorial classes during Monsoon 2019-20.

  5. Modern Algebra: Theory classes during Monsoon 2019-20

  6. Computer Organization: Theory classes during Winter Semester, 2019-2020.

  7. Matrix Theory and Differential Equations: Theory and Tutorial classes during Winter Semester, 2019-2020.


Assisted in M.Sc. Project work and Thesis:

  1. “Analysis of plane waves reflecting from the stress-free and rigid surfaces of an initially stressed micro-mechanically modeled PMFRC half-space” by Mr. Jitendra Chaurasiya (Admission No. 20MS0049), May 2022.

  2. “Study of plane waves reflecting from the impedance boundary of a micro-mechanically modeled PMFRC half-space” by Mr. Dandu Vedanand Varma (Admission No. 20MS0154), May 2022.


I also have experience in the process of preparing Sponsored R&D project proposals for national agencies such as DST(SERB), CSIR, and NBHM.


Sayantan Guha

Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics)

Work address:

Centre for Data Science

Faculty of Engineering and Technology (ITER)

Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (Deemed to be University)

Bhubaneswar-751030, Odisha, India.


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