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Research Articles

Note: The mentioned quartiles were assigned during the time each respective paper was published.
Source of quartiles: Clarivate Analytics (
Web of Science)


26. Dholey, B., Alneamy, A., Mistri, K., Guha, S., & Tharwan, M. (2025). The Influence of SH-wave Propagation in a Tri-layered Composite Structure with Interfacial Imperfections. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 13(2), 197.                                                                                           (Impact factor 2.3) (Springer Nature) SCIE (Q2)

25. Guha, S., & Alneamy, A. (2025). The Influence of Flexible Support on the Material Properties of Piezothermoelastic Fiber-Reinforced Composite Beam. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 13(2), 1-17.

(Impact factor 2.3) (Springer Nature) SCIE (Q2)


24. Alneamy, Ayman M., Guha, S., and Tharwan, Mohammed Y. (2024). Modeling and Analysis of Thermoelastic Damping in a Piezoelectro-Magneto-Thermoelastic Imperfect Flexible Beam. Mathematics, 12(24), 4011.

(Impact factor 2.3) (MDPI) SCIE (Q1)

23. Biswas, M. & Guha, S. (2024). Influence of dynamic fiber volume fraction on Love wave velocity in PFRC plate imperfectly bonded with piezoelectric-viscoelastic substrate. Acta Mechanica, 1-21.

(Impact factor 2.3) (Springer Nature) SCIE (Q2)

22. Singh, A. K., Singh, A. K., Yadav, R. P., & Guha, S. (2024). Analysis of stress intensity factor for moving Griffith crack in a transversely isotropic strip under punch pressureArabian Journal of Geosciences, 17(11), 1-12.

Springer Nature

21. Kumari, R., Singh, A. K., Kumar, S., & Guha, S. (2024). Transmission of Lamb wave in a micro-mechanically piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite plate. Wave Motion, 103307.         (Impact factor 2.4) (Elsevier) ISISCI (Q2)


20. Guha, S., Singh, A. K., & Singh, S. (2023). Thermoelastic damping and frequency shift of different micro-scale piezoelectro-magneto-thermoelastic beamsPhysica Scripta, 99(2).            (Impact factor 2.9) (IOPScience) SCI (Q2)

19. Guha, S. & Singh, A. K. (2023). On-plane waves reflecting at the impedance boundary of an initially stressed micromechanically modeled piezomagnetic fiber-reinforced composite half-space. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 31(26), 7887-7904.                                                   (Impact factor 2.8) (Taylor & Francis) SCIE (Q2)

18. Singh, A. K., Singh, A. K., Guha, S., & Kumar, D. (2023). Mathematical analysis on the propagation of Griffith crack in an initially stressed strip subjected to punch pressure. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 52 (7), 4133-4151.                                                                            (Impact factor 3.9) (Springer Nature) SCI/SCIE (Q1)

17. Nain, S. & Guha, S. (2023). Influence of fiber orientation on reflection and attenuation phenomenon in fiber-reinforced viscoelastic medium. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 93(7), 2993-3005.

(Impact factor 2.8) (Springer Nature) SCI/SCIE (Q3)


16. Guha, S. & Singh, A. K. (2022). Transference of SH waves in a piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite layered structure employing perfectly matched layer and infinite element techniques coupled with finite elements. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 209, 103814.                                                  (Impact factor 3.1) (Elsevier) SCI (Q1)

15. Guha, S. & Singh, A. K. (2022). Frequency shifts and thermoelastic damping in distinct Micro-/Nano-scale piezothermoelastic fiber-reinforced composite beams under three heat conduction models. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science.                                                                                  (Impact factor 7.1) (Elsevier) SCIE (Q1)

14. Singh, S., Singh, A. K., & Guha, S. (2022). Reflection of plane waves at the stress-free/rigid surface of a micro-mechanically modelled Piezo-Electro-Magnetic Fiber-Reinforced half-space. Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-30.                                                                                                     (Impact factor 4.051) (Taylor & Francis) SCI (Q1)

13. Singh, A. K., Rajput, P., Guha, S., & Singh, S. (2022). Propagation characteristics of love-type wave at the electro-mechanical imperfect interface of a piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite layer overlying a piezoelectric half-space. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 104527.                                  (Impact factor 4.1) (Elsevier) SCI/SCIE (Q1)


12. Singh, A. K., Mahto, S., & Guha, S. (2021) Analysis of plane wave reflection and transmission phenomenon at the interface of two distinct micro-mechanically modeled rotating initially stressed piezomagnetic fiber-reinforced half-spacesMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 29(28), 7623-7639.     

(Impact factor 2.8) (Taylor & Francis) SCIE (Q1)

11. Singh, S., Singh, A. K., & Guha, S. (2021). Shear waves in a Piezo-Fiber-Reinforced-Poroelastic composite structure with sandwiched Functionally Graded Buffer Layer: Power Series approachEuropean Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 92,  104470.                                                                                (Impact factor 4.1) (Elsevier) SCI/SCIE (Q1)

10. Singh, A. K., Mahto, S., & Guha, S. (2021). Analysis of plane wave reflection phenomenon from the surface of a micro-mechanically modeled piezomagnetic fiber-reinforced composite half-spaceWaves in Random and Complex Media, 34(6), 5382-5403.                                                                 (Impact factor 4.051) (Taylor & Francis) SCI (Q1)

9. Singh, S., Singh, A. K., & Guha, S. (2021). Impact of interfacial imperfections on the Reflection and Transmission phenomenon of plane waves in a Porous-Piezoelectric modelApplied Mathematical Modelling, 100, 656-675.

(Impact factor 5) (Elsevier) SCIE (Q1)

8. Guha, S. & Singh, A. K. (2021). Influence of varying fiber volume fractions on plane waves reflecting from the stress-free/rigid surface of a piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite half-space. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-15.                                                                                 (Impact factor 2.8) (Taylor & Francis) SCIE (Q1)

7. Guha, S., & Singh, A. K. (2021). Frequency shifts and thermoelastic damping in different types of Nano-/Micro-scale beams with sandiness and voids under three thermoelasticity theories. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 510, 116301.                                                                                                       (Impact factor 4.7) (Elsevier) SCI/SCIE(Q1)

6. Guha, S., & Singh, A. K. (2021). Plane wave reflection/transmission in imperfectly bonded initially stressed rotating piezothermoelastic fiber-reinforced composite half-spaces. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 88, 104242.

(Impact factor 4.1) (Elsevier) SCI/SCIE (Q1)


5. Guha, S. On energies carried by reflected waves for incidence of plane wave in a micro-mechanically modeled Piezoelectric Fiber-Reinforced Composite half-space: A fiber volume fraction comparison. Proc. of 65th Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), December 9-11, 2020, Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM) Hyderabad, India.

4. Singh, P., Singh, A. K., Chattopadhyay, A., & Guha, S. (2020). Mathematical study on the reflection and refraction phenomena of three-dimensional plane waves in a structure with floating frozen layer. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 386, 125488.                                                                                     (Impact factor 4) (Elsevier) SCI (Q1)

3. Guha, S., & Singh, A. K. (2020). Effects of Initial Stresses on Reflection phenomenon of plane waves at the free surface of a Rotating Piezothermoelastic Fiber-Reinforced Composite half-space. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 181, 105766.                                                                              (Impact factor 7.3) (Elsevier) SCI/SCIE (Q1)

2. Singh, A. K., & Guha, S. (2020). Reflection of plane waves from the surface of a piezothermoelastic fiber-reinforced composite half-spaceMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 28(22), 2370-2382. 

(Impact factor 2.8) (Taylor & Francis) SCIE (Q1)


 1. Guha, S., Singh, A. K., & Das, A. (2019). Analysis on different types of imperfect interfaces between two dissimilar piezothermoelastic half-spaces on reflection and refraction phenomenon of plane wavesWaves in Random and Complex Media, 31(4), 660-689.                                                     (Impact factor 4.051) (Taylor & Francis) SCI (Q1)

Book Chapters

3. Singh, S., & Guha, S. (2022). Modeling of SH waves in a functionally graded piezo-poroelastic structure with sensitive coating in presence of point source of disturbance. In Corrosion Mitigation Coatings (pp. 369-384). De Gruyter.

2. Singh, A. K., & Guha, S. (2022). Mathematical Study of Reflection and Transmission Phenomenon of Plane Waves at the Interface of Two Dissimilar Initially Stressed Rotating Micro-Mechanically Modeled Piezoelectric Fiber-Reinforced Composite Half-spaces. In Wave Dynamics (pp. 131-162). World Scientific.

1. Chaki, M. S., Guha, S., & Singh, A. K. (2018, July). Impact of Rectangular/Parabolic Shaped Irregularity on the Propagation of Shear Horizontal Wave in a Slightly Compressible Layered Structure. In International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computation (pp. 61-74). Springer, Singapore.

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Sayantan Guha

Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics)

Work address:

Centre for Data Science

Faculty of Engineering and Technology (ITER)

Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (Deemed to be University)

Bhubaneswar-751030, Odisha, India.


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